Do you snore? Gasp/Choke for air at night? Daytime Tiredness/Sleepiness?

Let us screen you for airway related sleep disorders. Our doctors can consult a preliminary sleep consultation and if need be, administer a home sleep study. We may be able to fabricate  an oral appliance which can help with a better quality of life and help prevent serious issues like a heart attack or stroke. Let us help you improve the way you sleep & stay awake for a productive day.  Call us today to inquire! (224) 698-1472.

Adult Restricted Airway

Pediatric Restricted Airway

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep Appliance


  • Over 30 Years of Experience
  • We Use the Latest Technology
  • Free Consultations
  • 5 ​Star Reviews on Google
  • Family-Owned


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